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圖片 英文譯文提供/吳明錩 黃瑞慶  撰文/紀 向


— 竹夢踏實 — 吳明錩竹藝創作展


開幕式:107年12月1日 下午2:30

地點:臺中市葫蘆墩文化中心 二樓展覽室∥












但是在近年幾個大型藝術比賽中,卻累次出現,有以竹作為創作媒材精緻創作作品產生,不經意初次窺視這些作品,的確是現代思維的美麗作品,而近觀,更發現是一種幾乎銷聲匿跡的竹材工藝的現代創作品,在此更以另一種期待心態此類作品的後繼。由作品整體再觀察這位作者的作品層次,確實也已經離開傳統竹工藝創作的窠臼,而這位創作者卻是一位學機械工程出身年紀輕輕的創作者 吳明錩。






紀 向 專業藝術創作

Ming-Chang Wu – An Artist Who Spent His Life Exploring All Possibilities of Bamboo Art Creations

In subtropical Taiwan, “bamboo” is a common plant seen on the hillsides. But apart from everyday uses, bamboo has also been included in the works of many literati throughout the ages, such as the poet from the Tang dynasty, Liu Yuxi, who wrote in his poem “Courtyard Bamboo”: “Dew drops bathe the powdery green nodes, emerald branches flutter in the breeze.” The Qing dynasty artist Zheng Xie even wrote a poem about bamboos for his “Bamboo and Rock Painting”: “Holding steadfast to the verdant mountain, standing firm in the broken rocks. Strong and resilient through a thousand hardships, resolute and unflinching however the winds may blow.” Therefore, in addition to everyday life, the existence of the bamboo can also be something elegant and classy, it can even be used for sophisticated artworks.

In modern handicraft aesthetics, apart from passing down the legacy of traditional artifacts, the pieces are completed under refined craftsmanship and hand-crafting techniques. However, in this civilized and advanced environment, for those who want to go on the career path of artistic creations, most people’s choice of creative subjects are based on that which are simple and easy to handle, or creative mediums that are based on materials with a large market trend. Out of the many different materials, bamboo is a low-level material, mainly because it is extremely easy to obtain, and it is also a common and ordinary material. But the problem lies in the forms of the works to be completed, it differs to production using other materials in its material adaptability and difficulty in completion, and it is also more difficult than ordinary wood carving or clay sculpting. Therefore, even though there has indeed been several artists in Taiwan who used bamboo as their creative medium over the years, they have been restricted by the above factors due to the development of the overall environment and there has been a dearth or artistic talents in this field in the later years.

But at large-scale art competitions over the recent years, there have been recurring appearances of exquisite artworks made from bamboo. A chance first glimpse of these artworks revealed that they were indeed lovely pieces created under modern-thinking, but a closer observation showed modern artworks created using bamboo crafting techniques which have all but disappeared today. So with a different mindset, I look forward to the successive creations of this type of artwork. From the overall observation of artworks to see the artist’s creative level, it was found that the pieces have indeed left the traditional mode of bamboo craftsmanship. Their creator is Ming-Chang Wu, a young bamboo artist with a background in mechanical engineering.

Ming-Chang Wu has an educational background in mechanical engineering and a professional background in advertising engineering, but due to his own personal preferences many years back, he has dedicated himself to learning about the bamboo as a material which had in turn induced the creative capabilities that are unique to him. He uses bamboo as the creative medium, in addition to the techniques required for basic crafting, he has also applied the idealized thinking from his mechanical engineering and knowledge from the advertising profession to the field of bamboo creation. So on the traditional bamboo craft pieces, one can still see traces of exquisite traditional craftsmanship, but when it comes to the bamboo works created in recent years, they have departed completely from people’s understanding of bamboo handicrafts. For his works, he carefully selects seasonal old bamboo stumps and rhizomes, or the inner membranes that he has processed himself to create refined tea sets that are familiar to the public and imbued with elements of the tea ceremony culture. Such works have won him major awards from around Taiwan in recent years, including the Da Dun Prize, Yushan Award, National Craft Achievement Award, and Nanying Award, serving as recognition to his hard-earned creative accomplishments over the years.

His tea set creations are often completed through the concept of a modern Zen aesthetics. He has glued down the saucers of the tea set to create the imagery of a tiny waterscape in the artwork, presenting a scenic ambience through the metaphysical and surreal space, which draws the mood of the tea ceremony appreciator to merge with the Shanshui atmosphere. The various bamboo creations and artworks based on the black-faced spoonbill or on the Taiwanese aborigine designs show that the artist is not merely a creator, but that his passion for Taiwan is also worthy of respect.

In addition, using his professional expertise in digital drafting processing, he has also taken part in the product design projects organized by the National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute and collaborated with numerous overseas designers and completed many pieces of modernistic artworks based on his professional knowledge of bamboo. Such works have already departed from the general understanding of traditional bamboo handicrafts, he was able to fully utilize the characteristics of bamboo together with his mechanical engineering background and digital design skills to complete works which might actually be the future trend of Taiwan’s industry. At the same time, these are also Ming-Chang Wu’s self-breakthroughs in the creative discipline as well as a turning point of important concepts.

An artist with ambition and skills will not be satisfied with remaining under the glory of the current achievements. In addition to preparing the works for the above competitions over the years, Ming-Chang Wu has also entered the Master’s program at a design institute to learn more about advanced creative and art concepts. Ming-Chang Wu has not only suitably combined aesthetic concepts to his artworks, it is certain that he will be able to create many pieces that has his exclusive creative concept in the future.

Through Ming-Chang Wu’s dedication all along the creative path, we discovered a sense of vitality and competitiveness that is unique to Taiwan. In addition, through the exhibition of his works, we see that each of the excellent works that is incubating inside the mind of Ming-Chang Wu is gradually being discovered in Taiwan.

Chi,Xiang Professional Artistic Creation

吳明錩專業藝術創作 竹美學研究 個展得獎/大墩獎 玉山獎


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