ART TAIPEI 2020 參展藝術家介紹:【張立曄】

圖文提供 藝點點文創美學

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~藝術頑童 『異』時代傳承~
對自己內在小宇宙的探索,擴及與大自然意象聯結,以「萬物有靈」的古代東方泛靈思維,作為近幾年的創作立基點。曾受邀於2008年參加高美舘的「七彩電光琉璃花」展覧。並於2010年參與國美館第一屆「YES TAIWAN-台灣美術雙年展」。2016年受邀至法國巴黎Galeric frederic moisan舉辦個展。2017和2018連續參與日本藝術團體JAALA於東京都美術館(Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art)聯展。
【Li-Yeh CHANG】
CHANG Li-Yeh was born in Chiayi, Taiwan in 1967. He graduated from the Department of Sociology of Soochow University in 1991. His forms of art are oil paintings on the canvas and sculptures . He is good at using light and color to create a world of spiritual fantasy and imagination. The exploration of himself inner small universe expands with the world of nature, and the ancient oriental pan-spiritual thinking of "Animism "is the basis for the creation of art in recent years. He was invited to participate in the “Colorful electro-optic glass flower” exhibition at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts in 2008. He was participated in the first “YES TAIWAN-Taiwan Biennale” at the National Taiwan Museum of Art in 2010 . In 2016, he was invited to the solo exhibition on Galeric Frederic Moisan at Paris in France. And he was participated in the exhibition of the Japanese art group JAALA at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2017 and 2018.
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